Fall Savings Bravecto and Sentinel Rondout Valley Vets

Fall Savings on Bravecto & Sentinel 

The new motto we see in every veterinary magazine is “EVERY MONTH IS TICK MONTH.” We have been pulling ticks off patients all Summer, so we agree that this is the new normal for our area. Although the species, stages, and the number of questing ticks vary throughout the year, they are always active, creating an ongoing risk of pet infestation and infections.

Consistent year-round flea, tick, and heartworm prevention is the best way to combat this growing risk. People will also ask why year-round heartworm preventative is necessary. The way the heartworm life cycle works makes year-round preventative a must. It takes heartworm larvae 5-7 months to develop into adult worms that set up a house in the heart. If you stop heartworm preventative over the winter, you allow a summer mosquito bite to develop into further stages. Once those larvae are past a certain development point, preventatives can no longer kill them. Eventually, your dog will test positive for adult heartworms, and then full-blown heartworm treatment is needed, which is not a pleasant experience for pets or clients alike.

We are so lucky to have been chosen as one of the 1,500 veterinary hospitals that can offer our clients these instant savings on flea/tick and heartworm medications.
