Understanding Kitten Care

What is the most important thing to know about raising a healthy kitten?

The most important thing to know about raising a healthy kitten is to ensure they have fresh water, good food, and ample entertainment to keep their mind and body active.

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

What are the right and wrong ways to pick up my kitten?

The best way to pick up a kitten is one hand behind their front arms, and the other hand wrapping around their rear end. As they get older, picking them up by the scruff is not recommended. Never pick a cat up by a single leg or other part of their body as it could potentially hurt them.

How can I tell if my kitten is happy and healthy?

A happy and healthy kitten should be playful and interactive with you throughout the day. They should be eager to be in your presence.

What should I feed my kitten?

Kittens should be on a kitten formula of dry food. Some people also give their kittens wet food. Kittens are good at regulating their food intake, but it is recommended to start by giving them two meals a day of dry food, about a quarter cup twice a day. If you're giving wet food, a big tablespoon twice a day is sufficient.

What are some products I might need for my kitten?

Your kitten will need a good litter pan, water and feed bowls, a brush, nail trimmers, and a variety of safe toys. Experiment with different kinds of litter, such as clay, paper, crystals, or clumping litter. Stainless steel or ceramic bowls are best.

How soon should I bring my kitten to see a veterinarian?

You should bring your kitten to see the veterinarian as soon as possible to catch any potential issues early on and to plan for vaccinations, dewormings, and other necessary care.

How can I get the most out of my first vet visit with my new kitten?

Write down any questions you have before your visit. Your veterinarian should provide an outline and guide on what to expect in your kitten's care and future examinations.

What will a veterinarian look for during an initial kitten care visit?

A vet will check for ear mites or infections, eye infections or congenital cataracts, teeth alignment, heart murmurs, respiratory issues, abnormalities in kidneys, colon, bladder, and parasites. They will also check their joints, feet, tail, and skin for parasites such as fleas.

What are some early signs and symptoms of health issues in my kitten?

Early signs of health issues can be loss of appetite, lethargy, weight loss, a swollen or distended and painful abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, wheezing and coughing, pale gums, and eye problems such as crusted, watery, or squinting eyes.

Why is it important to avoid self-diagnosing possible kitten health problems?

Incorrect self-diagnosis can lead to prolonged sickness. Kittens are small and don't have a lot of resources to cope with extended periods of illness. It's important to figure out what's going on and start treatment promptly.

When should my kitten get vaccinations?

Your first kitten vaccination, depending on whether it's coming from a shelter or a breeder, is usually somewhere between seven to eight weeks of age.

What do I need to know about kitten behavior?

Kittens should be playful. If they show signs of aggression or forceful biting, it's a red flag for potential aggression issues. Consult your veterinarian if you observe such behavior.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Kitten Care - FAQs 1

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

What are the core vaccine requirements for kittens?

The core vaccine requirements for kittens are the feline distemper vaccine, technically Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia. These are three different upper respiratory diseases that cats can share with each other. The feline rabies vaccine is also a core requirement.

What are non-core vaccines for kittens and why does my kitten need them?

The non-core vaccine that we primarily discuss for kittens is the feline leukemia vaccine. We only recommend this for a cat that's going to go outside. The only way to get the feline leukemia virus is from another infected cat. So, if your cat is going to be indoor-only and you know it is not around any other cats with this virus, then it's not necessary to get a vaccine for this.

How soon should my kitten be vaccinated?

We recommend starting kitten vaccinations about seven to eight weeks of age. Then, we follow a schedule of certain vaccines usually about every three to four weeks until they're at least 16 weeks old and we've completed all the important vaccinations.

Does my kitten need vaccines if they're only going to stay indoors?

According to New York State law, all kittens should be rabies vaccinated unless there is a valid health reason to be exempt. The feline distemper vaccine is also recommended, as those viruses can easily be brought into the house. It's still a good idea to have an initial kitten series of this vaccine and maybe continue it for the first couple of years of their life. But then if they truly are indoor-only and not having exposure to other cats, that vaccine can be discontinued.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with kitten vaccines?

There are potential risks and side effects to everything, and vaccinations are no exception. A small percentage of kittens may experience soreness or fever following vaccines. Being a bit quiet for 24 hours is considered normal post-vaccination. More severe vaccine reactions, which are very uncommon, can include vomiting or diarrhea. The least common but most serious reaction is a true anaphylactic allergic reaction to a vaccine, where the kitten may have trouble breathing and its face starts swelling. This requires emergency treatment.

What if my kitten misses a vaccination?

If your kitten misses a vaccination, we can often reschedule and continue where we left off. Once they've had at least two feline distemper vaccines total, one of them being at least after the age of 16 weeks, that is considered a complete series. And then rabies can be done at any age.

Can my kitten go outside if not all vaccinations have been given yet?

A kitten could go outside if not all vaccinations have been given yet, but I would recommend only with direct supervision. We want to ensure that the kitten is not interacting with any other cats, whose vaccine history or illness history we don't know, until they are completely vaccinated.

Why is it important to get my kitten vaccinated by a veterinarian?

It's important to get your vaccinations through a veterinarian because the effectiveness of vaccines is heavily dependent on how they're stored and handled. At a veterinary office, we can guarantee that the vaccine has been properly handled, from shipping to storage in the office. Vaccines bought from a place where you can just buy them yourself may not have the same strict handling rules, and therefore those vaccines may not be as effective.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Kitten Care - FAQs 2

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

How long will it take a kitten to wean from their mother?

A kitten will wean from its mother over the first several weeks of its life. They'll be about 100% breastfeeding for the first 4-5 weeks, and then start to transition to some breastfeeding and solid food until they're about 7-8 weeks of age when they switch to completely solid food.

Do all kittens need to be bottle-fed?

No, not all kittens need to be bottle-fed. If they have a mother who produces enough milk, they should not need to be bottle-fed. However, if you have a kitten that lost its mom, cannot latch well to breastfeed, or the mom doesn't produce enough milk, then you would need to intervene.

How do I bottle-feed my kitten?

The most important thing when bottle feeding a kitten is not making the hole too big in the nipple. If the hole is too big, the milk comes out too fast and they can aspirate it down into their lungs instead of being able to drink it at a good rate and going down into their stomach.

Can I give my kitten regular milk?

We don't usually give kittens regular cow's milk. Kittens can be somewhat lactose intolerant to the proteins in cow's milk, so using a KMR replacement specifically for kittens is going to be the easiest on their stomach and it will also have the proper vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that they need.

When should kittens start eating solid food?

You should start introducing some solid food to kittens around four to five weeks of age. Start with softened kibble or wet food and then transition over the next two to three weeks to completely solid food.

What kind of food should I feed my kitten?

A kitten should be on a commercially available kitten food. This ensures they have enough taurine, a crucial amino acid in their diet. Kitten foods will be higher in calories and contain more nutrients and vitamins to help with growth.

Do kittens need to drink water?

Yes, kittens do need to drink water to stay hydrated. Although, if a kitten is still breastfeeding a lot or their diet is mostly moistened or wet food, they might not need to consume much additional water. Regardless, they should always have fresh water available.

How often do kittens need to eat?

A very young kitten needs to eat about every two hours. As they grow and reach four to five weeks of age, they can start to eat about every four hours.

How do I know that my kitten is getting enough to eat?

The easiest way to see if a kitten is getting enough to eat, weigh them every single day. Using a sensitive scale that can monitor ounces. A kitten should never lose weight. If they do, there's concern that they're not getting enough calories or liquids. They should be gaining about a half ounce every day.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Kitten Care - FAQs 3

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

How much biting and scratching is normal for kitten behavior?

A little bit of biting and scratching is definitely normal for kittens. They are trying to figure out what's appropriate and what's not. They need to be redirected to appropriate actions and places for their scratching behaviors.

Why is my kitten going to the bathroom outside the litter box?

There are many reasons for this. For very young kittens, it might be that they're not trained yet and need to be familiarized with the litter box. If a cat that was using the litter box is now avoiding it, it might be associating it with discomfort and should be seen by a vet.

My cat cries at night. What should I do?

Cats sometimes cry at night out of loneliness. Try to gradually increase the time you leave them alone to get them used to it. If this happens in older age, there could be some medical issues causing confusion.

Why is my kitten so aggressive?

Kittens can be aggressive if they've never had a mother or an adult to guide them. They need to be shown what behaviors are appropriate.

How can I get my kitten to calm down?

Sitting quietly with your kitten and petting them gently can help calm them. If they're overstimulated, they might need some alone time in a quiet room.

How can I get my kitten to play appropriately?

Provide appropriate toys and redirect them to those toys when they're biting. Show them what behaviors you want them to do.

Is it okay to punish my kitten?

Light punishment, like a strong "no" and a slight tap on the nose, is okay if you catch them in the act. They won't connect the punishment to the behavior if disciplined after the fact.

Does my kitten need a scratching post?

All kittens should have a scratching post. It's part of their natural behavior to scratch for nail maintenance, even if you're trimming their nails.

How can I bond with my kitten?

Bonding can be achieved by playing games, doing things together, and lounging with your kitten.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Kitten Care - FAQs 4

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

What should I expect at my first kitten's appointment?

At your first kitten's veterinary appointment, the veterinarian will conduct a thorough physical exam and discuss any abnormalities found on the exam and their treatment plan. You will also discuss the vaccination schedule, preventative care for fleas, ticks, ear mites, and heartworm, and the general outline of the first year of your kitten's life.

Are there any specific questions I should ask my veterinarian at their first appointment?

It is essential to ask about the necessary vaccinations for your kitten, their timing, when to spay and neuter your kitten, the type of food to feed them, and the preventatives they should be on.

How often does my kitten need to go to the veterinarian?

Kittens are typically seen every three to four weeks for the first few months of their life for vaccinations. Afterward, your cat should visit the vet once a year unless medical issues require more frequent visits.

Which vaccinations does my kitten need?

The essential vaccines for kittens are the feline distemper and rabies vaccinations. If they are indoor-outdoor cats, they also need the feline leukemia vaccine.

Does my kitten need vaccinations even if I keep them inside?

Even for indoor cats, it is recommended to get at least the initial vaccine series. This is because you could potentially bring viruses home on your clothing from other cats.

What kind of preventative care does my kitten need?

Preventative care includes timely vaccinations, up-to-date flea and tick medication, and a comprehensive preventative that also includes heartworm prevention, roundworm, whipworm, hookworm, tapeworm prevention, and ear mite prevention.

When should I get my kitten spayed or neutered?

Kittens are typically spayed or neutered around seven to eight months of age. We allow them some time to develop with their hormones before we spay and neuter them to prevent reproduction.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Kitten Care - FAQs 5

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

What is the most important thing to know about raising a kitten?

The most important thing about raising a kitten is just to make sure that they know that they're well loved. Be prepared for a lot of energy when you first get them and be okay with dealing with the unexpected.

What should I consider before adopting or buying a kitten?

Ensure that you have enough time to play with your kitten, enough resources to provide the necessary care, food, vaccinations, and preventatives. Also, make sure there's no one in the household allergic to cats or other animals that can't get along with cats.

What should I look for in a kitten?

A kitten should look healthy to you. If something doesn't feel quite right, trust your gut and have the kitten checked by a veterinarian before committing to take it home.

How can I kitten proof my house?

Kitten proofing your house is almost impossible. They're good at climbing and causing trouble, so do your best to secure anything they could pull down or knock over. It'll be a bit of a learning experience as it happens.

Is it possible to care for a kitten while working full-time?

Yes, it is possible to care for a kitten while working full-time. If the kitten is too young and should be with its mom, it may need attention every couple of hours. But once they're about eight to nine weeks old, you can teach them to eat and use the cat pen on their own. They also spend a decent amount of time sleeping.

How do I introduce a kitten to other pets?

Introduce a kitten to other pets by first bringing the kitten into the house in a secure carrier. Let the other animals approach the carrier at their own pace. Ensure this goes well while both are protected before introducing them without any barrier.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Kitten Care - FAQs 6

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

How do I know if a kitten is orphaned?

A kitten is assumed to be orphaned if they are seen without a mother for more than four hours straight. The mother could be away for a variety of reasons such as hunting or gathering food, but they should return to check on the kittens every two to four hours.

Can I hold a newborn kitten?

You should only pick up a newborn kitten if you are certain it has been orphaned. If the kitten has not been orphaned, the mother may reject it if it carries human smells. However, if it is genuinely orphaned and needs attention, then you may pick it up.

How do I care for a kitten without the mother?

Caring for a kitten without its mother is a significant responsibility. The kitten will need to be bottle-fed roughly every two hours until they're about five to six weeks old. At that stage, you can introduce some kitten cereal and beginner kitten foods into their diet.

How do I keep a newborn kitten warm?

Newborn kittens, similar to many newborn animals, can't regulate their body temperature effectively. Therefore, they should be in a snug area with heating pads, heating disks, or a heat lamp. However, you must ensure that none of these elements can potentially burn them. The temperature should be around 95 degrees when they are newborns.

How do I care for a newborn kitten that's been found with their mother?

If a newborn kitten is found with its mother, both should be taken to a safe location together, such as an animal shelter or a home. In most cases, the mother should be allowed to care for the kitten. If the kitten isn't gaining weight or isn't being fed enough, human intervention may be necessary. But generally, most cats are good mothers naturally.

How do I know if a kitten I found is healthy?

To ensure a kitten's health, a veterinary examination should be conducted. This will help identify signs of parasites or other health issues like a heart murmur or abnormality in their abdomen.

What is fading kitten syndrome and how can I prevent it?

Fading kitten syndrome is a condition where a kitten starts out healthy but deteriorates rapidly over time and may even pass away. To prevent this, it's crucial to ensure that the kitten is gaining weight consistently, eating well, and staying hydrated. If there are any signs of potential health issues, such as a lack of weight gain, immediate intervention is necessary.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram