What is a good hygiene regimen for a dog?

A good hygiene regimen for a dog is making sure that they're staying clean, that their skin looks shiny and healthy, and basically dealing with problems early as they come up, whether those are ear infections or other types of skin infections.

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

How does keeping my dog clean contribute to good health?

Keeping your dog clean contributes to good health because infections on the skin or mouth or other places outwardly can spread to other parts of the body such as certain organs, and that can cause other problems that lead to much bigger issues down the road.

Is brushing my dog's teeth important to overall hygiene?

Yes, brushing teeth is important because as more and more tartar builds up on their teeth, that's where bacteria like to live, and that bacteria can work its way up under the gum line and cause tooth root infections and that bacteria can spread through the bloodstream to other places such as the liver, heart, kidneys, and cause damage to those organs.

How do I brush my dog's teeth?

For brushing teeth, you can get any kind of soft toothbrush, but remember there is special dog toothpaste that is safe for them to swallow. Apply that to the toothbrush just like with your own teeth, and then lift their gum and brush along the tooth gum line. Try to get far back and do tops and bottoms of the teeth. With dogs we mostly focus on brushing the outsides of their teeth. They don't really build up a lot of tartar on the insides of their teeth.

How do I find the right bathing products for my dog?

For a typical dog, most dog-formulated, over-the-counter shampoos will do. If you have a dog that has more chronic skin or ear issues, then your veterinarian is going to want to prescribe some prescription shampoo or ear cleaner.

How do I bathe my dog?

While bathing your dog, try to avoid getting water in their ears and eyes. Wet them down with warm water, shampoo and suds them up, just like shampooing your own hair. If it's a medicated shampoo, let that sit on for about 10-15 minutes before you rinse it off. If it's normal shampoo, you can just rinse that off right away.

How should I clean my dog's paws?

You can use baby wipes or a dry towel to clean their paws, paying attention to cleaning between their toes and paw pads on the bottom.

Why is it important to clean my dog's bed, bowls, collar, leash, and toys regularly?

As dirt and debris build up on those things, bacteria or yeast can start to overgrow, which can cause an infection issue in your dog.

What are some signs and symptoms of poor hygiene in my dog?

Poor hygiene in your dog can show up as a dull coat, lack of energy, eating problems, an odor to their skin, more greasy skin, itching at themselves, and parasites or anything crawling on your dog's skin.

How often should I be giving my dog a bath?

A dog that does not have any skin issues doesn't need a bath regularly, maybe every couple of months. A dog that has skin issues and is getting medicated baths should follow the frequency directed by your veterinarian.

How can my veterinarian help me with dog hygiene issues?

Your veterinarian can help you detect dog hygiene issues early and help give you ways of treating them and getting rid of them so that your dog can have a healthier skin and life.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Dog Bathing & Hygiene - FAQs 1

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

What is a good hygiene regimen for a dog?

A good hygiene regimen for a dog involves ensuring they maintain cleanliness, have a shiny and healthy skin, and addressing any health issues such as ear infections or skin infections as they arise.

How does keeping my dog clean contribute to good health?

Keeping your dog clean contributes to good health as infections on the skin or mouth can spread to other parts of the body, such as certain organs, leading to more serious health problems in the future.

Is brushing my dog's teeth important to overall hygiene?

Brushing your dog's teeth is crucial as it prevents the buildup of tartar where bacteria thrive. Such bacteria can cause tooth root infections and spread to the liver, heart, and kidneys, causing damage to these organs.

How do I brush my dog's teeth?

To brush your dog's teeth, you need a soft toothbrush and a special dog toothpaste that is safe for them to swallow. Apply the toothpaste to the toothbrush and brush along the tooth gum line, ensuring to reach far back and cover the tops and bottoms of the teeth.

How do I find the right bathing products for my dog?

For a typical dog, most over-the-counter shampoos will suffice. However, if your dog has chronic skin or ear issues, your veterinarian may prescribe a special shampoo or ear cleaner to help manage these conditions.

How do I bathe my dog?

When bathing your dog, avoid getting water in her ears and eyes. Wet her down with warm water, apply shampoo and lather her up. If it's a medicated shampoo, let it sit on for about 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off. If it's a regular shampoo, you can rinse it off immediately.

How should I clean her paws?

You can clean your dog's paws using baby wipes. If they're wet, use a dry towel and make sure to clean between their toes and paw pads on the bottom.

Why is it important to clean my dog's bed, bowls, collar, leash, and toys regularly?

Cleaning your dog's belongings regularly is important as dirt and debris build-up can lead to bacteria or yeast overgrowth, which can cause an infection in your dog.

What are some signs and symptoms of poor hygiene in my dog?

Signs of poor hygiene in your dog can include a dull coat, lack of energy, eating problems, an odor to their skin, itching, parasites, or anything crawling on your dog's skin.

How often should I be giving my dog a bath?

A dog without skin issues doesn't require frequent baths, maybe every couple of months. However, a dog with skin problems and getting medicated baths should follow the bathing frequency as directed by your veterinarian.

How can my veterinarian help me with dog hygiene issues?

Your veterinarian can help detect dog hygiene issues early and provide treatment plans to ensure that your dog maintains healthy skin and life.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Dog Bathing & Hygiene - FAQs 2

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

Can you bathe a dog too often?

Yes, you can bathe a dog too often. If you bathe them a lot with soap and water, the soap can strip their hair coat of its essential oils. These oils help keep the skin healthy and protect the dog from outside irritants.

Is it better to groom your dog at home or have a professional groomer do it for you?

Both options can be successful. It depends on your comfort level with grooming. If you are comfortable bathing your dog, cutting their nails, and trimming their hair where necessary, grooming them at home is absolutely okay. If these are tasks you struggle with, then it is advised to have a professional groomer help you.

Does my dog need to be vaccinated and on flea and tick prevention to go to the groomer?

Most groomers require your dog to be up to date on its Bordetella or Kennel Cough vaccine, Distemper Parvo combination vaccine, and rabies vaccine if they work out of a central location where many dogs come. If you have a mobile groomer that comes to your house, these vaccines may not be as necessary, though it is still a very good idea. Regarding flea control, I highly recommend that your dog be up to date on flea control, especially when going to a location where many other dogs are present.

If my dog has behavior issues, will they be allowed at the groomers?

Often, groomers will want a dog to be fairly well-behaved. If you start teaching your dog about the different aspects of grooming and help them be comfortable with it from a young age, it can avoid problems. Some dogs struggle with going to the groomers, and a veterinarian can help with oral medications before going to the groomer, if necessary, to calm them. Some animals may need to be fully sedated, which usually happens in a veterinary office setting.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram