Preventative Medicine

Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates is a comprehensive facility offering basic preventative medicine, in house diagnostics including digital radiographs, ultrasonograhy, and a fully equipped laboratory in our treatment area. This enables us to perform immediate lab work in house when needed. For more involved diagnostics we use reference laboratories and can typically have the results back to you, depending on the individual test, within the week.

We provide physical examinations, vaccinations, and vaccine titers according to your pet’s lifestyle to keep them happy and healthy. For those of you with a new pet we also offer kitten and puppy packages which include the basics for a new young pet (exams, vaccines, parasite screening, etc.) at a discounted rate. The receptionists can give you more details as to pricing and exactly what each package includes.

Pharmacy/Compounded Medications

We offer an array of in-house pharmaceuticals to provide immediate medications to treat or help manage any illness or disease your pet may have. As we appreciate you keeping your business local with us, for any medications that require special compounding, we use local pharmacies for your pet’s personal needs. Many times we can have those medications shipped directly to you or picked up from our office. We also offer basic monthly preventatives to control fleas and heartworm in your pets, nutraceuticals to help with joint pain, hormone replacement therapies, and diabetes management. Our prices are highly competitive, if not less expensive, than many other retailers. Please call us to inquire about a specific medication.

Acupuncture / Holistic Therapies / Chiropractic

Here at Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates we take great pride in being able to offer many modalities of medicine. Dr. Hartelius offers acupuncture and herbal remedies as alternatives or additions to traditional Western medicine treatments. He actively practices these techniques on his own pets to treat arthritis and other ailments. Dr. Snyder provides Chiropractic services.