Exploring Cat Grooming

How do cats groom themselves?

Cats groom themselves mostly with their tongue. If you've ever looked at a cat tongue closely, it does have little barbs on it, and that's kind of like the bristles of their hairbrush. They use their saliva and those bristles on their tongue to groom themselves.

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

How does proper grooming impact the health and well-being of my cat?

Proper grooming makes sure that their hair and their skin stays healthy, and your skin is your first line of defense against all infections entering your body. If a cat's hair gets matted, it can start an infection underneath that matted hair on the skin, and this could progress to something worse.

What are some signs and symptoms that my cat is no longer grooming themselves properly?

Signs of a cat that's not grooming themselves properly can actually be excessive grooming. So they're over-grooming themselves. You see them doing it much more often, and you start to notice clumps of hair that are being pulled out, their hair is thinner than it used to be. A cat that smells is not grooming themselves properly. Cats are usually very good at taking care of themselves, and they want to be clean. Also, if they start to develop a rash, either on their belly or their armpits or anywhere on their body, and you might actually be able to feel that first, those little tiny bumps before you can see it in their hair coat. Also, any matted fur is a sign of not grooming properly, and if they're bleeding from anywhere, that would be a concern that potentially they have an infection or a cut or maybe an overgrown nail into a paw pad.

Why is it important to consult a veterinarian if my cat is having grooming problems?

Usually, a cat showing you that they're having grooming problems is usually a sign of some other underlying medical condition. So the major reasons that cats either over-groom themselves can be allergy-related, and that needs to be treated, or if they're not grooming themselves, they may be in pain, arthritis may be inhibiting them being able to turn and groom themselves properly, and these are all things we want to help them with to feel better.

What are the benefits of professional grooming for my cat?

A professional groomer probably is most necessary in a long-haired cat. Sometimes they do have enough hair that if you're not also helping to brush them, they do get matted hair and they can't keep up with their grooming, and this will help them not get matted. Also make sure that their nails are trimmed, whether you can do that yourself or at your veterinarian's office or groomers, that makes sure that they don't overgrow into their paw pads. Those are the most helpful things from a professional groomer.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Cat Grooming - FAQs 1

Dr. Kathleen Laux
Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

Is it necessary to groom my cat?

Many cats do not require human assistance in grooming. If they are healthy, they are usually capable of taking care of all their grooming needs. However, certain underlying medical conditions or other issues may require human intervention.

Are cats hygienic?

Cats are typically very hygienic, taking pride in their cleanliness. If your cat is not maintaining its hygiene, it may need to be examined by a veterinarian. This could be a sign of an underlying issue preventing them from cleaning themselves properly.

Should I bathe my cat?

Most cats do not need to be bathed as they essentially bathe themselves through grooming. However, in cases of skin conditions or other medical issues that prevent them from self-grooming, a bath may be necessary. Be warned, most cats do not enjoy baths!

Is it safe to groom my cat?

Yes, it is safe to groom your cat. This can include brushing them, trimming their nails, and gently cleaning their ears. Be careful if you need to remove a mat from your cat's fur; clippers are safest. Scissors can be dangerous as they can potentially cut the cat's skin.

How do cats groom themselves?

Cats groom themselves using their tongues. Cat tongues have small barbs on the surface that function like brush bristles. They use their saliva to wet their fur and then comb through it with their tongue.

What does cat grooming at a salon entail?

Cat grooming at a salon can include shaving or trimming the fur of longer-haired or matted cats. This may also involve nail trimming, ear cleaning, or thorough brushing. Some salons may bathe cats, but most healthy cats do not require baths.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (845) 626-5555, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram